The Church of Rome has done much to lead modern Evangelicalism into making images of the Lord. Will history reveal that day as the time when Evangelicalism, on a popular level, merged with the Roman Catholic Church?
The Evangelical church’s acceptance of Gibson’s movie gave shocking – maybe apocalyptic – insight into the state of popular Christianity today. There was a fawning adulation of the film.
Even the secular media, newspapers, magazines, TV, radio, and the Internet fed the frenzy. It was promoted as one of the greatest evangelistic opportunities in history, a concept dear to the heart of every Evangelical. Names such as Billy Graham, Jack Graham (President of the Southern Baptist Convention), Rick Warren, Jack Hayford, names of Catholic leaders, and an endless list of celebrities were presented to the public as endorsing the film. An endless list of endorsements from church leaders publicly promoting the film was paraded. Evangelical churches were buying huge blocks of tickets, and reserving theaters. On Catholic Ash Wednesday, 2004, the film appeared in theaters across America. A tidal wave of excitement swept the church and the movie world. There seldom had been a movie that had created such favorable publicity and anticipation in the Evangelical community than The Passion of Christ.